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Haveyou been accused of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Has one ofyour family members been arrested for a grand theft auto charge? At the LawOffices of Jeffrey C. Grass, our Plano criminal defense lawyers work hard tosafeguard the rights and futures of those who have been accused of variouscrimes. We know that a criminal record can severely and negatively affect apersons future, and that is why we are here.
Inevery case, our team works hard to construct only the strongest defenses forour clients. As a client, you will never have to worry about what is going on.We will maintain contact with you so you are never left in the dark. Our Planocriminal defense attorneys are dedicated to having your charges and penaltiesreduced or dismissed. That is why when we stand on your side of the courtroom,we will fight aggressively from start to finish. Retain the experienced legalcounsel you need on your by contacting the Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grasstoday! We can protect your future.