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About the Firm
Cherepinskiy Law Firmwas founded by Dmitriy Cherepinskiy.As the firms leader, Dmitriy leads his firm in the fight for justice.Heis a trial lawyer and a skilled litigator.Top organizations, such as the SouthernCalifornia Super Lawyers and National Trial Lawyers, have acknowledged Dmitriyfor his accomplishments.
The firm centers itspractice on matters, which involve catastrophic injuries, personal injuries,and wrongful death. Some of the areas of practice that Cherepinskiy Law Firmspecializes in include the following:
The firm has recovered millions onbehalf of clients. Cherepinskiy Law Firm offers substantialcourtroom and trial expertise, superb litigation skills and techniques,utilization of modern equipment and technology, significant resources, anetwork of highly-qualified experts in various fields, unprecedented diligenceand work ethic.
1180 S. Beverly Dr, Suite 405
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: (310) 694-0317
Fax: (310) 870-8672